How to beat the most common exercise excuses?

tired woman stretching

I know that sometimes is really difficult going to the gym, working out at home or exercising outdoors, but we have to make an effort. Think about how good you feel after walking around your area, running on a treadmill, cycling or practising a funny gym class such as zumba or the intense exercise with the boot camp classes… Think about how proud you feel of your willpower when you say “no, I can’t meet you because I’m going to work out”. If I have not yet persuaded you about exercising, keep reading, I may change your mind by showing you how to beat the most common exercise excuses…

Workout is boring

There is an exercise for everyone: aerobic, dancing, swimming, football, tennis… There are plenty of chances and gyms where you can find a big variety of classes to join in, from the traditional aerobic and spinning classes to the newest working out called boot camp. Or simply go to the studio and use a treadmill, exercise bike or cross trainer.
If you do not want to join any gym, you can exercise outdoors. Walk around your neighbourhood, run by your nearest park (if you do not know where to go, check this 6 best parks in Birmingham), ride a bike, dance at home


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